速報APP / 教育 / Fordham Safety Application

Fordham Safety Application



檔案大小:10.1 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 6.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Fordham Safety Application(圖1)-速報App

SAFE is a location based campus security application developed for your campuses staff and/or students. SAFE's one-touch warning tool allows users to quickly, silently, and securely send SOS messages from their smartphones to a central, on-site safety office, which allows a quick and responsive remedy to the situation.

University and corporate campuses face a variety of situations that require the attention of their security departments. It could vary from being followed by someone to being trapped somewhere unexpectedly, or situations that require more immediate attention.

Fordham Safety Application(圖2)-速報App

Recent events have left many people wary of potential situations. The benefits of SAFE don't only give cautious campus visitors a layer of insurance, but peace of mind. SAFE is an application that allows users to report and warn about emergencies, but a key differentiator about the app is silent explanation of events.

In situations where making noise or bringing attention could lead to altercations, SAFE's custom messaging gives Security Services an explanation of the situation as well an alert, giving them the proper information on how to remedy the situation.

Fordham Safety Application(圖3)-速報App

Real Time Attention - SAFE enables users to alert their security departments of situations that require attention in real time

One-Touch SOS – Easily accessible one-touch UI allows users to send SOS messages to emergency services like campus police or their campus EMS line

Fordham Safety Application(圖4)-速報App

Customized SOS Messages - Create and send predefined custom text

Immediate and Effective Response - Emergency services will be notified quickly to serve and protect against any incident

Fordham Safety Application(圖5)-速報App

Data and SMS Support - If there is no Wi-fi or data service available, the message will be sent as an SMS to security
